Poowong Consolidated School
Our Science program is a comprehensive hands-on approach to knowing the world around us.
Poowong Consolidated School provides an opportunity to develop scientific knowledge and skills in Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Earth and Space Science throughout the school year. Our students are encouraged to be independent, curious and explorative of concepts that teach about the local, national and global world in which they live and participate.
The Science curriculum is supplemented with a number of resources, including our forest area and vast school grounds, extensive equipment, both donated and repurposed for experiments and building models, and space within the school for cooking of seasonal and native foods.
Poowong Consolidated School’s Science program is strongly linked with our Sustainability program. The cross curricular approach gives opportunities for relevant topics and practical skills that enables deep meaningful learning for all students.
Our Sustainability program demonstrates the importance of the environment to all of us.
Poowong Consolidated School aims to make a positive contribution to sustainability in a way that connects students to the environments with practical solutions for school, home and beyond. Students are instilled with a sense of ownership and pride through their hands-on, ground level work in improving the school environment. This work is slow and sustainable in nature given the effort made to do it without further stress on resources in both the school and wider community
ResourceSmart School
Poowong Consolidated School is proudly a RecourceSmart School.
The ResourceSmart Schools program is an award-winning Victorian Government program that helps schools to embed sustainability across the school. Schools focus on Waste, Energy, Water, Biodiversity and act to benefit schools and community. Managed by Sustainability Victoria, ResourceSmart Schools provides practical support to reduce resource, make cost savings, integrate sustainability into the curriculum and share learnings beyond the school gate.
For 2023 our main focus is on Waste. We are working positively towards improvements in our Waste management through the implementation of a compost system, worm farms, vegetable gardens, Waste Free Wednesday and bin system overhaul. These projects are student led, at the classroom level but also by our Enviro Captain and team.
The Forest
Poowong Consolidated School is fortunate in the vast school grounds available for students to monitor, manage and improve Biodiversity. In particular The Forest provides space for connection to the environment as students partake in activities without technology or distraction.
Vegetable and Native Food Garden
The vegetable and native food garden provides an opportunity to trial different approaches to growing, learn about the needs of plants and the importance of micro organisms in our soil. This food is then transformed during cooking sessions.
Worm Farm and Compost Bins
The Sustainability focus for Poowong Consolidated School in 2023 is Waste and better ways to manage the waste created by the school community. Students have built and maintained the compost bins and worm farm including, building, turning and using compost and feeding, aerating and caring for the worms.